Types of Manicures:
Express: This involves filing of the nails and cuticle work to remove the dead skin (cuticles) around the nails. We then moisturise hands to soften and nourish skin follwed by nail paint.
Classic: With this package, you can expect all goodies in the express but also get a rigorous and thorough scrub to remove dead skin on your hands- guaranteed to leave your hands soft and smooth.
Luxury: The luxury package comes with all of the above, but you can expect a hand and half arm masssage to improve blood circulation to these areas, improving both complextion and ensuring relaxation.
Delxue: As the name suggests, this manicure is no ordinary one. Included is a parrafin wax mask which softens and smooths skin. This wax leaves your hands glowing.
Types of Pedicures:
Express: This involves filing of the nails and cuticle work to remove the dead skin (cuticles) around the nails. We then moisturise your feet to soften and nourish skin followed by nail paint.
Classic: With this package, you can expect all goodies in the express but also get a rigorous and thorough scrub to remove dead skin on your feet- guaranteed to leave your feet soft and smooth.
Luxury: The luxury package comes with all of the above, but you can expect a feet and half leg masssage to improve blood circulation to these areas, improving both complextion and ensuring relaxation. You also get a rigorous heel buff to smoothen those rough edges and remove that stubborn dead skin.
Deluxe: As the name suggests, this pedicure is no ordinary one. Included is a parrafin wax mask which softens and smooths skin. This wax leaves your hands glowing.